Monday, February 25, 2013

Life At 1am

I sit here at 1 am thinking about what I can do to keep myself from dying of boredom. What is my solution you may ask? Well my good friend, it is to watch Knocked Up.. yea I know living it big. But unfortunately where I live its not polite to be up at 1 am possibly making noise that could wake the rest the residence. So when bored what do 19 year old people do? That have no where else to be on a Sunday/Monday night/day, watch a movie! I've seen all the movies in my dvd collection which consists of chick flicks and The Big Bang Theory seasons 1 and 2 (which by the way is my all time favorite show!). So basically saying I needed something new that I couldn't quote because I had seen it one too many times. No watching TBBT does not make me a nerd because I am not a nerd and I am so proud of that! My family on the other hand sometimes wonders if I wasn't born at home there could be a possibility of  being switched and belonging to another family. My mother always casually brings up that a police officer did take me away when they first got to the hospital putting doubts back in whether or not I am really a blood member of my family, then my dad coming to my rescue brings up how much I look like my aunt. Now see this is what I am talking about when I say I am different than my family... I wouldnt get mad if my tv was interrupted by a sports game, I have had NCAA brackets in the past, I was a fan of The Jersey Shore (mostly because of Pauly D), and I am a huge fan of the Minnesota Vikings!!( no hating) I may seem like a girly girl to people on the outside but really I know more about sports and somethings about cars than most guys do... which makes me an interesting person to talk to, so I've been told.
But I will be the first to admit that I am proud to be the normal one in my family because that means that I am sticking to who I am and not trying to change myself to fit in. Lately I have been pointing out to my family how good it is that my older sister and I are not twins.

  • We arent twins yet we say things together at the same time
  • We think the same thing at the same time
  • We know exactly what the other one is talking about when explaining things. 
My mother once described her daughters, being my sister and i, as having a Leather Girl and a Girly Girl. If you havent already guessed the girly girl is me.

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