Monday, February 25, 2013

Life At 1am

I sit here at 1 am thinking about what I can do to keep myself from dying of boredom. What is my solution you may ask? Well my good friend, it is to watch Knocked Up.. yea I know living it big. But unfortunately where I live its not polite to be up at 1 am possibly making noise that could wake the rest the residence. So when bored what do 19 year old people do? That have no where else to be on a Sunday/Monday night/day, watch a movie! I've seen all the movies in my dvd collection which consists of chick flicks and The Big Bang Theory seasons 1 and 2 (which by the way is my all time favorite show!). So basically saying I needed something new that I couldn't quote because I had seen it one too many times. No watching TBBT does not make me a nerd because I am not a nerd and I am so proud of that! My family on the other hand sometimes wonders if I wasn't born at home there could be a possibility of  being switched and belonging to another family. My mother always casually brings up that a police officer did take me away when they first got to the hospital putting doubts back in whether or not I am really a blood member of my family, then my dad coming to my rescue brings up how much I look like my aunt. Now see this is what I am talking about when I say I am different than my family... I wouldnt get mad if my tv was interrupted by a sports game, I have had NCAA brackets in the past, I was a fan of The Jersey Shore (mostly because of Pauly D), and I am a huge fan of the Minnesota Vikings!!( no hating) I may seem like a girly girl to people on the outside but really I know more about sports and somethings about cars than most guys do... which makes me an interesting person to talk to, so I've been told.
But I will be the first to admit that I am proud to be the normal one in my family because that means that I am sticking to who I am and not trying to change myself to fit in. Lately I have been pointing out to my family how good it is that my older sister and I are not twins.

  • We arent twins yet we say things together at the same time
  • We think the same thing at the same time
  • We know exactly what the other one is talking about when explaining things. 
My mother once described her daughters, being my sister and i, as having a Leather Girl and a Girly Girl. If you havent already guessed the girly girl is me.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Another Day In The Life

I just finished watching season 2 of Awkward and it was fantastic. Now those of you have seen the show may be thinking to yourselves oh great this better not be a blog only because of the show. No I am not writing this because of the show, the truth is I have been trying to write a blog for a while but never had any inspiration but now I have realized that what I have been through in my life may help some people. I know the possibility that no one could be reading this but hey if you are I appreciate it :D. So anyways I am a normal well semi normal 19 year old girl. I graduated high school in the spring/summer of 2012. I grew up in a good family, grew up in the suburbs so I have never really known what its like to not have things. I went to a private grade school up until high school where I attended a public high school which being high school was very different that middle school but at the same time it was a new experience for me being there was rarely talk of religion in class because of the whole separation of church and state stuff. It was very weird not having a religion class to go to which may I add was always my best class haha. I am very blessed to have grown up in a Catholic family which had kept me very grounded in my values and beliefs. So needless to say I was probably the most naive of my friends freshman year. I will admit my friends did change throughout my high school career. The best thing I figured out in high school was that you don't need to be mean to get friends, I had the best of friends that I got out of kindness. I guess I forgot to mention that I knew no one in my grade with the select few that had gone to the same middle school as me and a girl I met on the bus. I make friends the same way my mom does I just talk to people, and hey if they don't like me then they don't have to talk back which is perfectly fine with me haha. Well I guess this will be all for today. Im starting think this is going to be the most boring blog ever... but hey maybe I'll start doing themed days talking about certain subjects.... yea that sounds like a good idea. Well signing off for now.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Life As We Know It

I sit here thinking about everything that has happened to me in the past. I will admit that I have cut in the past. I have thought that how it seemed like it made everything better but it really didn't for me because I had this problem with regret once I did it. Basically life as I knew it changed the last time I cut. I am only saying this because I believe this is the only way I can finally reconcile what I have done to myself. It helps that it is the Lenten season thinking of what I can do and thinking about what Jesus went through during his time. It makes me think that there isn't anything that I could go through that could be worse than that. So I sit here looking at my wound/scar thinking that I made a huge mistake doing what I did. I am now thinking of how selfish it is, it is selfish to think that I am the only one who is being hurt. I hurt my family when I do, and I hurt my friends when I tell them what I have done because they have all been there for me and it doesn't help that I don't go to them for help.