Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Random Late Night Thoughts

I know it has been a while since I have written but nothing worth writing has happened to me... I mean yes I have had my tearful nights thinking I had lost the best thing that has ever happened to me. But as it usually happens to me their phone had been broken or they had been busy, I seriously miss being busy. It is dangerous for me to be alone with my thoughts. I have this thing were I always blow things WAY out of proportion.... it has gotten me in a lot of before and the other issue is... I NEVER LEARN! You would think after the 30th time of someone telling me that their phone broke or they lost it and thats why they didnt reply. The reasons for why even on the 30th time, is because I have had it were someone just randomly stops texting me without reason. Now I am not saying I am the kind of girl who lets someone not talking to me get me down, its just annoying, its like have at least enough respect to tell me youve found someone else or you got bored with me. I am not a China Doll that will break at the slightest thing. Maybe I would have in my past but those who truly know me know that I have become way stronger from the situations I have been in. I grew up in a Catholic family with church every Sunday but on top of that I grew up with the most amazing people who shared the same faith as me. If you are going to survive in this vicious world we live in you need to have people behind you that you can go to when the going gets rough. No one can survive on their own no matter what anyone says. So as the title says random late night thoughts always seem to be the reason someone thinks of starting a blog, the only problem is when you think of writing a blog the millions of ideas you had are all gone in the morning. I think I will add in my ideal man...... Oh there is one out there.. well maybe not for me. I have many males that I would see as my ideal man.. Time for a list!! YAY!!!

  • Ryan Sheckler: Is athletic(always a plus!), cute, has a good charity, attractive(not that looks matter all the time), has my dream car haha, has goals and has proven he can achieve them, met him once already so thats an added element :D
  • Ryan Gosling: Need I say more? 
  • Bill Skarasgard: Absolutely stunning! He basically is the kind of man who's looks are odd but still so alluring, his acting in Hemlock Grove was absolutely incredible! Im getting off track here but he blew me away! 
  • Justin Bieber: The Hair
  • Eminem: The inability to age, he raps about life not what girl he got with or what person he shot, his music can hit home for anyone no matter what area of life they are in. I am a 19 yr old suburban girl and his lyrics reach my heart, he attractive which helps
  • Adrian Peterson: The muscles, the heart he has for what he loves, the passion for what he loves to do, the complete lack of knowing or really caring what record he broke or was close to breaking. 
Well thats all I really want to write about tonight/this morning... So good night, evening, or morning to anyone who reads this I thank you all! 

TTFN My Lovelys!